First, look around our preliminary website. Be sure to read about EcoAllies!
Next, we invite you to take this anonymous survey that we've created!
See if what we've named as various ways of interacting with other people include ways that are important to you!
Would you benefit by having allies that can interact in these ways?
Check off the kinds of things you might be interested in, ignore what doesn’t apply, and of course let us know what’s missing for you.
What you can do right now:
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -- Anne Frank, inThe Diary of a Young Girl
How might the interaction ideas in our survey help you improve your world? Why not try out some of the ideas in our survey with people you already know and care about (maybe sharing the survey with them first?). Specific practices we've named in our survey have been benefiting others for years!
If you wish to support our project, a little or a lot, and have pertinent skills for website design or development, and/or feedback & suggestions for same, we'd love to hear from you. Please let us know via our Contact Us page.
What future developments are planned:
Next steps include implementing a matching-up function to connect you with likely EcoAllies. We’ll be seeking matches for you with one or more others who want the same things, in the same ways. These are likely to be EcoAllies that you’d otherwise never meet - all the better to spread the practice of cooperative interactions!
A few details...
Initially you and your matches will be anonymous to each other, unless and until you choose otherwise.
Separately from the matching process that takes place upon users' profiles, you will also be able to query the database of other users' profiles, to, for example, discover topics you think you'd enjoy discussing with others (and, you can propose your own). Another example would be to search for EcoAllies who are local to you.
As for non-local EcoAllies, various real-time video connections (Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, etc.) are not only possible, but despite not being in person, can still provide deeply empowering experiences (ask us for details)!
We do hope you'll take our surveyto discover potentially new and meaningful ways of interacting! And in return, you can share your favorite practices with us!